May 8 to May 12, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify and determine the Central Idea and Relevant Details Spelling: Enormous, marvel, clever, alter,
shaft, hasty, fragile, clamp, polite, remarks Vocabulary: Exclaimed,
finally, form, history, public, rules, untitled, writers Vocabulary Definitions: If you exclaimed,
you spoke or shouted suddenly because you were excited or upset. Cognate:
exclamar If something finally happens, it happens after a long time. Cognate: finalmente When you form something,
you make or shape it. Cognate: formar History is the story of what happened in the
past. Cognate: historia If something is public, it is for all people to use or
visit. Cognate: público Rules are directions that tell how to do
something or what is allowed. When things are united, they are brought or joined
together. Cognate: unidas Writers are people who write stories, books, and
VOCABULARY WORDS. Students are required to recognize the sound their words make
by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Spelling
3x Each Spelling
ABC Order Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: Spelling
5x Each Vocabulary
Sentences ****Spelling Test **** Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading REMINDERS TEACHER
PAPRECIATION WEEK MONDAY: Last Day for Testing Grams THURSDAY: Math Testing FRIDAY: Mother’s day picnic during
students lunch time Spirit
Shirt and Uniform bottom http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
May 1 to May 5, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify and determine the different character perspectives found in
a literary text. Spelling: Vowels/e/ea; /u/ou; /i/y Dead,
breath, ahead, touch, lead, trouble, instead, thread, gym, bread, myth Vocabulary: Exclaimed,
finally, form, history, public, rules, untitled, writers Vocabulary Definitions: If you exclaimed,
you spoke or shouted suddenly because you were excited or upset. Cognate:
exclamar If something finally happens, it happens after a long time. Cognate: finalmente When you form something,
you make or shape it. Cognate: formar History is the story of what happened in the
past. Cognate: historia If something is public, it is for all people to use or
visit. Cognate: público Rules are directions that tell how to do
something or what is allowed. When things are united, they are brought or joined
together. Cognate: unidas Writers are people who write stories, books, and
VOCABULARY WORDS. Students are required to recognize the sound their words make
by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Spelling
3x Each Spelling
ABC Order Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: Spelling
5x Each Vocabulary
Sentences ****Spelling Test **** Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
April 24 to April 28, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify and determine the different character perspectives found in
a literary text. Spelling: Vowels/o/: a, aw, au, augh, al, ough Ball,
small, paw, jaw, pause, sauce, taught, chalk, walk, sought Vocabulary: Champion,
determined, issues, promises, responsibility, right, volunteered, votes Vocabulary Definitions: A champion is
a person who has won a contest. Cognate: Campion If you determined something, you decided
it. Cognate: determinar Issues are
important problems or topics that people are talking or arguing about.
Cognate: asuntos Promises are
things you tell people you will definitely do. Cognate: promesas If you have a responsibility to do something, it is
your duty to do it. Cognate: responsabilidad Your rights are the things the law says you
can do or have. Cognate: derechos If you volunteered to do something, you
offered to do it without pay. Cognate: voluntario/voluntaria People use votes to choose one person or thing
VOCABULARY WORDS. Students are required to recognize the sound their words make
by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Spelling
3x Each Spelling
ABC Order Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: Spelling
5x Each Vocabulary
Sentences ****Spelling Test **** Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading REMINDERS MONDAY: Honor-Roll invitations will be in your report
card envelope WEDNESDAY: Pizza Sale $2 or $5 for bundle FRIDAY: School hoodie or joggers http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
April 17 to April 20, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify and determine the different character perspectives found in
a literary text. Spelling: Vowels/u/: oo, u, u_e, ew, ue, ui Room,
flu, June, new, glue, fruit, crook, could, full, push Vocabulary: Champion,
determined, issues, promises, responsibility, right, volunteered, votes Vocabulary Definitions: A champion is
a person who has won a contest. Cognate: Campion If you determined something, you decided
it. Cognate: determinar Issues are
important problems or topics that people are talking or arguing about.
Cognate: asuntos Promises are
things you tell people you will definitely do. Cognate: promesas If you have a responsibility to do something, it is
your duty to do it. Cognate: responsabilidad Your rights are the things the law says you
can do or have. Cognate: derechos If you volunteered to do something, you
offered to do it without pay. Cognate: voluntario/voluntaria People use votes to choose one person or thing
VOCABULARY WORDS. Students are required to recognize the sound their words make
by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Spelling
3x Each Spelling
ABC Order Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: Spelling
5x Each Vocabulary
Sentences ****Spelling Test **** Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading REMINDERS MONDAY: Testing Grams go on SALE! $3.00
Wear Crocs $2.00 with uniform WEDNESDAY: Pals Meeting (Cafeteria/Zoom) FRIDAY: Third Quarter Report Cards GO
HOME http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
April 10 to April 14, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify and determine the different character perspectives found in
a literary text. Spelling Words: NO WORDS THIS WEEK OR SPELIING/VOCABULARY H.W Packet. Vocabulary Words: Drops,
excite, pale, outdoors, word choice, antonyms, free verse, repetition Vocabulary Definitions: If people agree, they have the same opinion about something. If something is challenging, it is difficult and takes
effort to do. If you discover something,
you find it or find out about it. Cognate: descubrir Heroes are people who have done brave or good
things. Cognate: héroes If you have an interest in something, you like it and want to learn
more about it. Cognate: interés When you perform in
a play or movie, you act in it. When you study something,
you read, practice, or think about it so that you can learn it. Cognate: estudiar If you succeed in
doing something, you have met your goal or achieved the desired result. ENCOURAGE
recognize the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the
spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: ****Spelling Test **** Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading MONDAY: Testing Grams go on SALE! $3.00
each TUESDAY: Donut Sale $2.00 THURSDAY: Family Night- Sports Grill 4-9pm FRIDAY: Chuckie Cheese Night 3-7pm http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com |
April 3 to April 7, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify and determine the different character perspectives found in
a literary text. Spelling Words: Diphthongs: oy, oi Soil,
broil, moist, point, toil, oil, toy, joy, coin, noise Vocabulary Words: Drops,
excite, pale, outdoors, word choice, antonyms, free verse, repetition If people agree, they have the same opinion about something. If something is challenging, it is difficult and takes
effort to do. If you discover something,
you find it or find out about it. Cognate: descubrir Heroes are people who have done brave or good
things. Cognate: héroes If you have an interest in something, you like it and want to learn
more about it. Cognate: interés When you perform in
a play or movie, you act in it. When you study something,
you read, practice, or think about it so that you can learn it. Cognate: estudiar If you succeed in
doing something, you have met your goal or achieved the desired result. ENCOURAGE
recognize the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the
spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Spelling
3x Each Spelling
ABC Order Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: Spelling
5x Each Vocabulary
Sentences ****Spelling Test **** Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading MONDAY: Testing Grams go on SALE! $3.00
each THURSDAY: Stem Night FRIDAY: NO SCHOOL http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
March 27 to March 31, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify and determine the different character perspectives found in
a literary text. Spelling Words: Diphthongs: ou, ow Sound,
mound, cloud, shout, pound, clown, brown, crown, howl, growl Vocabulary Words: Drops,
excite, pale, outdoors, word choice, antonyms, free verse, repetition Vocabulary Definitions: Drops are small amounts of liquid
that fall in a round shape. Things
that excite make
a person feel happy or eager. When
something is outdoors, it is outside and not inside a building. Something
that is pale is
very light in color. Poetry Terms Word
choice refers to a poet’s rich, colorful, exact
words. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Cognate: antónimo A free verse poem
does not have to rhyme. Repetition is when a poet repeats
certain words or phrases. Cognate: repetición ENCOURAGE
recognize the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the
spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Spelling
3x Each Spelling
ABC Order Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: Spelling
5x Each Vocabulary
Sentences Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading ****Spelling Test **** http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
March 13 to March 17, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify text features found throughout a literary text: Title,
Headings, Bold Words, Italics, Highlighted words. Spelling Words: R-Controlled Vowels: are, air, ear, ere Dare,
stare, fare, hair, pair, chair, bear, pear, where, there Vocabulary Words: Active,
Earth, explode, island, local, properties, solid, steep Drops are small amounts of liquid
that fall in a round shape. Things
that excite make
a person feel happy or eager. When
something is outdoors, it is outside and not inside a building. Something
that is pale is
very light in color. Poetry Terms Word
choice refers to a poet’s rich, colorful, exact
words. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Cognate: antónimo A free verse poem
does not have to rhyme. Repetition is when a poet repeats
certain words or phrases. Cognate: repetición ENCOURAGE
recognize the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the
spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Spelling
3x Each Spelling
ABC Order Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: Spelling
5x Each Vocabulary
Sentences ****Spelling Test **** Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
March 6 to March 10, 2023: Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify text features found throughout a literary text: Title,
Headings, Bold Words, Italics, Highlighted words. Spelling Words: R-Controlled Vowels: are, air, ear, ere Dare,
stare, fare, hair, pair, chair, bear, pear, where, there Vocabulary Words: Active,
Earth, explode, island, local, properties, solid, steep Vocabulary
Definitions: When
something is active, it is
lively. Cognate: activo Earth is the planet we live on. When
things explode, they burst
loudly and with a lot of force. An island is land that has water all
around it. Cognate: isla Something
that is local is
nearby. Cognate: local The properties of something are the
different ways it looks and acts. Something
that is solid is firm
or hard and keeps its shape. Cognate: sólida Something
that is steep has a
very sharp slope. ENCOURAGE
recognize the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the
spelling test. HOMEWORK: Monday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Tuesday: Spelling
3x Each Spelling
ABC Order Wednesday: iStation
30 minutes Reading Thursday: Spelling
5x Each Vocabulary
Sentences Friday: iStation
30 minutes Reading ****Spelling Test & Vocabulary Quiz**** http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
February 27 , 2023 to March 3, 2023 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify text features found throughout a literary text: Title,
Headings, Bold Words, Italics, Highlighted words Spelling: Words with eer, ere, ear Deer, near, cheers, ear, steer, dear, here, clear, jeer,
spear Vocabulary: Island, active,
Earth, explode, local, properties, solid, steep VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: When something is active, it is lively. Cognate: activo Earth is the planet we live on. When things explode, they burst loudly and with a lot of force. An island is land that has water all around it. Cognate: isla Something that is local is nearby. Cognate: local The properties of something are the different ways it looks and acts. Something that is solid is firm or hard and keeps its shape. Cognate: sólida Something that is steep has a very sharp slope.
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading *****SPELLING TEST 15 words AND VOCABULARY QUIZ
with last weeks words**** REMINDERS: Monday: Silly socks Tuesday: Wear Green,
Red or aqua with uniform bottom Wednesday: Wacky outfit
$2.00 dress down Thursday: Wear your
favorite hat Friday: $2.oo digital
photo “Suess Yourself” http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
February 20 , 2023 to February 24, 2023 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to compare and contrast plots: Characters, Settings and Events in a
literary text. Spelling: r-controlled Vowels /or/: or, ore, oar and
/ar/ :ar port, roar, north, board, more, part, store, start, oar,
park Vocabulary: Cheered,
concert, instrument, movements, music, rhythm, sounds, understand VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: If something
is common to two or
more people, it is owned or shared by all of them. Cognate: común A costume is clothing you wear to look
like something or someone else. Customs are ways of
acting or events that a group of people has done over and over again. Cognate: costumbres Your favorite thing is something you like
the best. Cognate: favorito Parades are large
groups of people, including bands, moving through a public place for a special
event. If something
is surrounded by
something else, the first thing is closed in on all sides by the second thing. If something travels over or through a place, it
goes over or through there. If you wonder about something, you think
about it because you are curious about it. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: NO SCHOOL- PRESIDENT’S DAY iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading *****SPELLING TEST AND VOCABULARY QUIZ**** REMINDERS: Monday: NO SCHOOL –Presidents
Day Tuesday: Madi-gras Parade
$2.00 Dress down / McDonalds- Teachers Cook 5-7pm Wednesday: Pizza Sale
Afterschool Thursday: ESSAC &
PALs Meeting Friday: No Uniform
$2.00 Dress Down – Red, Blue, and White with Jeans Family Night! http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
February 13 , 2023 to February 17, 2023 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to compare and contrast plots: Characters, Settings and Events in a
literary text. Spelling: Vowel
/ur/: er, it, ur, or Clerk,
churn, hear, hurt, first, burst, skirt, work, stir, worse Vocabulary: Cheered,
concert, instrument, movements, music, rhythm, sounds, understand VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: If something is common to two or more people, it is owned or shared by all of them. Cognate: común A costume is clothing you wear to look like something or someone else. Customs are ways of acting or events that a group of people has done over and over again. Cognate: costumbres Your favorite thing is something you like the best. Cognate: favorito Parades are large groups of people, including bands, moving through a public place for a special event. If something is surrounded by something else, the first thing is closed in on all sides by the second thing. If something travels over or through a place, it goes over or through there. If you wonder about something, you think about it because you are curious about it.
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading *****SPELLING TEST AND VOCABULARY QUIZ**** Reminders: MONDAY-FRIDAY: Doughnut Sale $2.oo after school TUESDAY: Valentine's Day class gift exchange 2/14/2023 FRIDAY: HONOR ROLL http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
February 6 , 2023 to February 10, 2023 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify the central idea of a literary text. Spelling: Silent Letters: wr, kn, gn, mb, sc Comb, sign, crumb, knife, scene, know, scent, wrist,
gnat, writing Vocabulary: Cheered, concert, instrument, movements, music,
rhythm, sounds, understand VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: Cheered means shouted with happiness or praise. A concert is a performance by musicians
or singers. (Cognate: concierto) An instrument is a tool used to do or
make something. Our movements are our ways of moving. Music is the pleasing sounds made by a singer
or a musical instrument, such as a piano or guitar. (Cognate: música) Rhythm is the repeating accents of sounds or
movements to create a beat. (Cognate: ritmo) Sounds are noises that can be heard. When you understand something, you know what
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading *****SPELLING TEST AND VOCABULARY QUIZ**** REMINDERS: Spirit
Week http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
January 30 - February 3, 2023 Dear parents and students, These are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this is meant to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will be able to identify the Authors Purpose Long u: u_e, ue, u, ew Cute, cube, fumes, music, unit, menu, few, pew, fuel, cues Vocabulary words: Cheered, concert, instrument, movements, music, rhythm, sounds, understand VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: Cheered means shouted with happiness or praise. A concert is a performance by musicians or singers. (Cognate: concierto) An instrument is a tool used to do or make something. Our movements are our ways of moving. Music is the pleasing sounds made by a singer or a musical instrument, such as a piano or guitar. (Cognate: música) Rhythm is the repeating accents of sounds or movements to create a beat. (Cognate: ritmo) Sounds are noises that can be heard. When you understand something, you know what it means. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation 30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling 3x each Spelling ABC order WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: Spelling 5x each Vocabulary sentences ***Spelling Test **** FRIDAY: iStation 30 minutes of Reading
http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com |
January 23- January 27, 2023 NO SCHOOL MONDAY Dear parents and students, These are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this is meant to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will be able to identify the Authors Purpose Long u: u_e, ue, u, ew Cute, cube, fumes, music, unit, menu, few, pew, fuel, cues Vocabulary words: Cheered, concert, instrument, movements, music, rhythm, sounds, understand VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: Cheered means shouted with happiness or praise. A concert is a performance by musicians or singers. (Cognate: concierto) An instrument is a tool used to do or make something. Our movements are our ways of moving. Music is the pleasing sounds made by a singer or a musical instrument, such as a piano or guitar. (Cognate: música) Rhythm is the repeating accents of sounds or movements to create a beat. (Cognate: ritmo) Sounds are noises that can be heard. When you understand something, you know what it means. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation 30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling 3x each Spelling ABC order WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: Spelling 5x each Vocabulary sentences ***Spelling Test Will be postponed until next week**** FRIDAY: iStation 30 minutes of Reading
http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com |
January 16, 2023 to January 20, 2023 NO SCHOOL MONDAY Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify the central idea of a literary text. Spelling: Long e: e, ee, ea, ie, y, ey, e_e We, bee, need, queen, mean, leaf, thief, chief,
pony, keyd Vocabulary: Adventure,
delighted, dreamed, enjoyed, grumbled, moonlight, neighbor, nighttime VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: If people like adventure, they like doing exciting and unusual things.
(Cognate: aventura) If you feel delighted, you feel very pleased about something. If you dreamed about
something you would like to have happen, you imagined it happening. If you enjoy doing
something, you like doing it. If your friends grumbled, they complained about something. Moonlight is the Moon’s glow, which you often see
at night. A neighbor is
a person who lives near you. Nighttime is the dark part of the day. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences ****Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
January 9, 2023 to January 13, 2023 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify the central idea of a literary text. Spelling: Long o: o, oa, ow, oe Told, most, float, coat, toast, grow, mow, show,
Joe, toe Vocabulary: Adventure,
delighted, dreamed, enjoyed, grumbled, moonlight, neighbor, nightmare VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: If people like adventure, they like doing exciting and unusual things.
(Cognate: aventura) If you feel delighted, you feel very pleased about something. If you dreamed about
something you would like to have happen, you imagined it happening. If you enjoy doing
something, you like doing it. If your friends grumbled, they complained about something. Moonlight is the Moon’s glow, which you often see
at night. A neighbor is
a person who lives near you. Nighttime is the dark part of the day. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences ****Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW*** FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
December 26, 2022 to January 7, 2023 Extra credit assignments will be their required weekly istation minutes. |
December 19, 2022 to December 23, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify the moral and author’s purpose of a literary text. Spelling: Long i: I, y, igh, ie Light, sight, mind, cry, tie, high, wild, dry, try, lie Vocabulary: Across,
borrow, countryside, ideas, insists, lonely, solutions, villages VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: To go across something
is to go from one side to the other. If you borrow something,
you take it and agree to return it later. The countryside is
land that is away from cities or large towns. An idea is
a thought or plan you have for something. Cognate: idea If my mom insists on something, she says firmly that it must be
done. Cognate: insistir A lonely place
is one that very few people visit. A solution is
a way to answer a problem. Cognate: solución Villages are very small towns in the country. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
Data Chat Form signed and returned TODAY Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* and Vocabulary Quiz*** FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
December 12, 2022 to December 16, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify the moral and author’s purpose of a literary text. Spelling: Long a: a, ai, ay, ea, ei, eigh, ey Nail,
train, main, hay, stay, break, steak, weigh, sleigh, prey Vocabulary: Across,
borrow, countryside, ideas, insists, lonely, solutions, villages VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: To go across something
is to go from one side to the other. If you borrow something,
you take it and agree to return it later. The countryside is
land that is away from cities or large towns. An idea is
a thought or plan you have for something. Cognate: idea If my mom insists on something, she says firmly that it must be
done. Cognate: insistir A lonely place
is one that very few people visit. A solution is
a way to answer a problem. Cognate: solución Villages are very small towns in the country. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* and Vocabulary Homework FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
December 5, 2022 to December 9, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Students will
be able to identify the moral of a literary text. They will be reading poetry
and identifying the main features found in a poetry. Starting introduction on
Author’s Purpose. Spelling: Long a: a, ai, ay, ea, ei, eigh, ey Nail,
train, main, hay, stay, break, steak, weigh, sleigh, prey Vocabulary: Behave,
express, feathers, flapping, poem, rhyme, rhythm, word choice VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: When you behave,
you act in a way that is good or correct. Feathers are the soft things that cover a bird’s
body. If something is flapping, it is moving up and down. When you express your
feelings, you tell or show how you feel about something. Cognate: expresar A poem is
a form of writing that expresses imagination or feelings. Cognate: poema When two words rhyme, they have the same ending sounds. Cognate: rimar Rhythm is the repeating accents, or beats, in a
poem. Cognate: ritmo Word choice is the use of rich, colorful, exact
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* and Vocabulary Homework FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading Students can use the SMARTY ANTS Program to practice Fluency and Comprehensive Skills while at home. Please use the internet to access the website. Username: aperez19 Passwords: STUDENTS ID with no 0 in the front. http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
November 28, 2022 to December 2, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Students will
be able to identify the moral of a literary text. They will be reading poetry
and identifying the main features found in a poetry.
Letter Blends: scr, spr, str, thr, spl, shr Scratch, scrape, spring,
throne, strip, strange, shred, shrub, splash, split Vocabulary: Behave,
express, feathers, flapping, poem, rhyme, rhythm, word choice VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: When you behave,
you act in a way that is good or correct. Feathers are the soft things that cover a bird’s
body. If something is flapping, it is moving up and down. When you express your
feelings, you tell or show how you feel about something. Cognate: expresar A poem is
a form of writing that expresses imagination or feelings. Cognate: poema When two words rhyme, they have the same ending sounds. Cognate: rimar Rhythm is the repeating accents, or beats, in a
poem. Cognate: ritmo Word choice is the use of rich, colorful, exact
ACQUIRED VOCABULARY IN THEIR DISCUSSIONS Students are required to recognized
the sound their words make by circling the correct sound during the spelling test. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
November 21, 2022 to November 25, 2022 Students are still required to complete 30-90 minutes of istation during the break. ![]() http://istation.com |
November 14, 2022 to November 18, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: NOVEL- “THANKSGIVING
ON THURSAY” in class Students will learn about the first
thanksgiving feast by reading “Thanksgiving on Thursday”. Spelling: Novel Words Fall, bay, feast, fowl,
cure, rod, shy, trap, wade, pouch Vocabulary: Blessings,
community, gather, harvest, thankful, pilgrims, fowl, lousy VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: 1.
something that makes you happy or content 2.
Community- the
people living together in an area 3.
Gather- to collect
together 4.
Harvest- the
gathering of crops 5.
Thankful- feeling
pleased or grateful 6.
Pilgrims- seeking religious freedom in the New World, set sail
from England on the Mayflower in September 1620. 7.
Fowl- wild bird 8.
Lousy- very poor or
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for Spelling Test and Vocabulary Quiz TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading IMPORTANT REMINDER: Monday-
Science Fair Projects DUE! Tuesday-
Fall Pictures $10 Wednesday-
Bake Sale Thursday-
$2 Summer Dress Down | HONOR ROLL Friday-
Thanksgiving Feast http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
November 7, 2022 to November 11, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: NOVEL- “THANKSGIVING
ON THURSAY” in class Students will learn about the first
thanksgiving feast by reading “Thanksgiving on Thursday”. Spelling: Novel Words Autumn, bay, feast, fowl,
cure, rod, shy, trap, wade, pouch Vocabulary: Blessings,
community, gather, harvest, thankful, pilgrims, fowl, lousy VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: Blessings- something
that makes you happy or content Community- the people
living together in an area Gather- to collect
together Harvest- the gathering
of crops Thankful- feeling
pleased or grateful Pilgrims- seeking religious freedom in the New
World, set sail from England on the Mayflower in September 1620. Fowl- wild bird Lousy- very poor or
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading IMPORTANT REMINDER: Monday-
Snacks for SALE during Arrival Tuesday-
ELECTION DAY No School Wednesday-
Snacks for SALE during Arrival Thursday-
Snacks for SALE during Arrival, Family Night at BJ’s Friday-
VETERANS DAY No School http://istation.com http://play.smartyants.com
October 31, 2022 to November 4, 2022 Dear parents and students, These are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this is meant Weekly Objective: Unit 2- Plot Sequence, Main characters, Compare and Contrast. Spelling: Blends
Vocabulary: Believe, delicious, feast, fond, lessons, remarkable, snatch, stories VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: If you believe something, you think it is true. When food is delicious, it tastes very good. (Cognate: delicioso) If you feast, you eat a large or fancy meal. (Cognate: fiesta) When you are fond of something, you like it a lot. Lessons are things you can learn from. (Cognate: lección) If something is remarkable, it is wonderful or outstanding. If you snatch something, you grab it quickly. When you tell stories, you tell made-up tales.
MONDAY: iStation 30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling 3x each Spelling ABC order WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: Spelling 5x each Vocabulary sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation 30 minutes of Reading
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Monday- HALLOWEEN Wear Costume Thankful Grams GO ON SALE 11/01/22- 11/16/22 Thursday- Thanksgiving Gift Cards DUE 11/03/22
October 24, 2022 to October 28, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Unit 2- Plot
Sequence, Main characters, Compare and Contrast. Spelling: Soft c and g Trace,
ice, place, bulge, badge, range, cage, edge, space, mice Vocabulary: Believe,
delicious, feast, fond, lessons, remarkable, snatch, stories VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: If you believe something, you think it is
true. When food is delicious, it tastes very good. If you feast, you eat a large or fancy meal. When you are fond of something, you like it a lot. Lessons are things you
can learn from. If something is remarkable, it is wonderful or
outstanding. If you snatch something, you grab it
quickly. When you tell stories, you tell made-up tales. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading IMPORTANT REMINDER: Red
Ribbon Week: Monday-
Wear Red Tuesday-
Wear Sunglasses Wednesday-
Wear a cap Thursday-
Wear Bright Colors Friday-
Wear Orange and Black http://istation.com
October 17, 2022 to October 24, 2022 Dear parents and students, These are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this is meant to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Unit 2.2- Character perspective, Fables, Sequence of events found in a literary text. Short o, Long o_e Box, fox, dog, lock, pot, cone, home, nose, poke, rope Vocabulary: Adult, alive, covered, fur, giant, groom, mammal, offspring VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: An adult is a person or animal that is fully grown. (Cognate: adulto) If something is alive, it is living. If something is covered, there is something all over it. Fur is thick animal hair. Something that is giant is very large. (Cognate: gigante) When animals groom each other, they clean each other. A mammal is any warm-blooded animal that feeds milk to its babies. Offspring are the children or young of people or ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation 30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling 3x each Spelling ABC order WEDNESDAY: iStation 30 minutes of Reading THURSDAY: FRIDAY: http://Istation.com
October 10, 2022 to October 14, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: Unit 2- Topic,
Central Idea, Relevant details using important text features using expository
text. Spelling: Short o, Long o_e Box,
fox, dog, lock, pot, cone, home, nose, poke, rope Vocabulary: Adult,
alive, covered, fur, giant, groom, mammal, offspring VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: An adult is
a person or animal that is fully grown. (Cognate: adulto) If something is alive, it is living. If something is covered, there is something all over it. Fur is thick animal hair. Something that is giant is very large. (Cognate: gigante) When animals groom each other, they clean each other. A mammal is
any warm-blooded animal that feeds milk to its babies. Offspring are the children or young of people or
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading IMPORTANT REMINDER: Word
Parade worksheet is due: October 11th Word
Parade will be October 12, 2022 http://istation.com
October 3, 2022 to October 7, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: ·
Unit 1 REVIEW o Students will identify Story theme, important text
features, topic, central idea, and relevant details found in a literary text. This week
students are reviewing all the information gained throughout UNIT 1 by
completing assessments based on the all the information attained throughout
this lesson. HOMEWORK: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Reading
Comprehension- “Encanto Celebrates the Magic of Colombia” (DUE FRIDAY) WEDNESDAY: NO
Comprehension- “Speaking Out for Change” (DUE FRIDAY) FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com |
September 26, 2022 to September 30, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: ·
Unit 1 REVIEW o Students will identify Story theme, important text
features, topic, central idea, and relevant details found in a literary text. This week
students are reviewing all the information gained throughout UNIT 1 by
completing assessments based on the all the information attained throughout
this lesson. Spelling: Unit 1- Word Review Crack,
grass, belt, wag, sat, will, rake, made, cape, line, fin, tip Vocabulary: Check,
choose, chores, cost, customers, jobs, spend, tools VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: When you check something, you look at it
closely to make sure it is right. When you choose, you decide on one thing rather
than another. Your chores are small jobs that you do
around the house. The cost of something is how much you
have to pay for it. Customers are people
who buy something from a store or company. Jobs are the work
that people do to earn money. When you spend, you use money to buy or pay for
something. Tools are equipment
used to make or repair things. ENCOURAGE CHILDREN TO USE THEIR NEWLY
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com
September 19, 2022 to September 23, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: ·
Students will
be working with Text Features by using charts to identify the central idea and
relevant details of a literacy text. Spelling: Words with Short
i; Long i: i_e Did, fin, pick,
line, pipe, tip, mix, five, side, hike Vocabulary: Check,
choose, chores, cost, customers, jobs, spend, tools VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: When you check something, you look at it
closely to make sure it is right. When you choose, you decide on one thing rather
than another. Your chores are small jobs that you do
around the house. The cost of something is how much you
have to pay for it. Customers are people
who buy something from a store or company. Jobs are the work
that people do to earn money. When you spend, you use money to buy or pay for
something. Tools are equipment
used to make or repair things. ENCOURAGE CHILD TO USE THEIR NEWLY
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com
September 12, 2022 to September 16, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: ·
Students will
be working on identifying and explain theme of a Fantasy text. Spelling: Words with
Short a;
Long a_e Bag,
cap, ham, bake, ate, mad, back, cape, made, rake Vocabulary: Actions,
afraid, depend, nervously, peered, perfectly, rescue, secret VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: ·
Actions are
things someone or something does. Cognate: acciones ·
When you are afraid, you are scared of something. Cognate: asustado ·
When you depend on people, you need or count
on them. Cognate: depender ·
When you act nervously, you act in a fearful or
restless way. Cognate: nervioso ·
Peered means
looked hard or looked closely at something. Cognate: miro ·
When something is
done perfectly, it is done
in the best possible way. Cognate: perfectamente ·
When you rescue something, you save it from
danger. Cognate: rescatar ·
A secret is something that is private
or not known by many people. Cognate: secreto Homework: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for Spelling TESTS and Vocabulary Quiz TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com
September 5, 2022 to September 9, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: ·
Students will
be working on story elements focusing on characters and illustrations ·
Identifying and
explain theme of a literacy text. Spelling: Words with
Short e,
o, and u Grass,
trips, crack, still, west, mask, clap, plans, milk, belt Vocabulary: Actions,
afraid, depend, nervously, peered, perfectly, rescue, secret VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: ·
Actions are
things someone or something does. Cognate: acciones ·
When you are afraid, you are scared of something. Cognate: asustado ·
When you depend on people, you need or count
on them. Cognate: depender ·
When you act nervously, you act in a fearful or
restless way. Cognate: nervioso ·
Peered means
looked hard or looked closely at something. Cognate: miro ·
When something is
done perfectly, it is done
in the best possible way. Cognate: perfectamente ·
When you rescue something, you save it from
danger. Cognate: rescatar ·
A secret is something that is private
or not known by many people. Cognate: secreto Homework: MONDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: iStation
30 minutes of Reading http://istation.com
August 29, 2022 to September 2, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Weekly Objective: ·
Students will
be working on plot structure focusing on the Beginning, Middle and End of the
story. ·
Learning Text
Features found in literacy text. ·
Central Idea of a Realistic Story Spelling: Words with
Short e,
o, and u Went,
tell, pet, job, fog, not, tug, hut, tub, bun Vocabulary: Aside,
culture, fair, invited, language, plead, scurries, share VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS: ·
When things are
put aside, they are
moved to one side. ·
People of the
same culture share the
same way of life at a certain time in history. (Cognate: cultura) ·
I am fair when I treat my friends in a
just and honest way. ·
When people are invited, they are asked in a nice way
to do something or to go somewhere. ·
Language is
the way we speak, read, write, orsign. ·
When you plead for something, you beg or argue
to get what you want. ·
When something scurries, it
scampers or runs quickly. ·
When I share, I give part of something I
have to someone else. Homework: MONDAY: Read
a book for 30 minutes TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: Read
a book for 30 minutes
August 22, 2022 to August 26, 2022 Dear
parents and students, These
are our plans for the week. These are, of course, subject to change, but this
is meant
to give you all a general idea of what to expect in class. Spelling: Has, wag, bad,
six, will, sat, had, fix, him, if, can, hit Vocabulary: When things are put aside, they are moved to one side. People of the same culture share the same way of life at
a certain time in history. (Cognate: cultura) I am fair when
I treat my friends in a just and honest way. When people are invited, they are asked in a nice way
to do something or to go somewhere. Language is the way we speak, read, write, or
sign. When you plead for
something, you beg or argue to get what you want. When something scurries, it scampers or runs quickly. When I share, I
give part of something I have to someone else. Homework: MONDAY: Ensure ALL forms are turned in TUESDAY: Spelling
3x each Spelling
5x each Vocabulary
sentences *Study for SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW* FRIDAY: http://istation.com
to second grade English Language Arts! My Name is Mrs. Perez and I will be your
child's Second Grade Teacher. Students
in 2nd grade language arts will gain more skills in reading, writing, speaking,
and listening. They will continue to build an understanding of the connection
between sounds, letters, and words. They will gain skills in using word roots
to help them figure out the meaning of new words. Second graders practice word
use and comprehension by writing to express ideas and information. You
will find attached all the information needed to have a successful year.
Also, there are all the forms needed for each student. Please note, that this
is their first HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT that
are due this Friday August 19, 2022. Students that bring me all the forms
filled out will be receiving a special treat from the teachers treasure box. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: -Welcome
Packet -Car
Pickup Form -
Important Parent information FORMS INCLUDE: · School Emergency Contact form · St. Paul Emergency Contact · PALs Signup · Free/Reduced Lunch Application · Acknowledgment of Receipt and
Review · Code of Conduct · Media Release Please
know that I am always available for communication via ClassDojo. Looking
forward to an amazing year!